
This is the first stage in which we will walk entirely through Cantabrian lands. From Castro Urdiales we will find an interesting stage in which we will cross impressive forest landscap es that border the imposing Basque cliffs until we reach Laredo.

We leave Castro Urdiales heading towards the port, to continue along Santander and Silvestre Ochoa streets, and once we have reached the bullring, we will start the climb to Campijo in the direction of Laredo, to later reach Allendelagua. Allendelagua is a village belonging to Castro Urdiales, where you can find the ruins of the Medieval tower of the Templars (14th century).

The next places of reference before crossing the river Agüera are Cerdigo and Islares.

This section of the route runs along beautiful wooded paths that run parallel to the imposing cliffs of the Cantabrian coast. From Islares there is the option of continuing along the official road, which takes us inland through Rioseco; or continuing along the shoulder of the national road N-634, from Pontarrón de Guriezo.

Pilgrims who choose to follow the official route will be able to visit the chapel of San Mamés and their next point of reference, before reaching Laredo, will be Hazas. For those who continue along the national road, the next point will be Mollaneda, from where they can decide whether to continue walking inland, passing through Iseca Vieja, or take the alternative of the beautiful coastal path to Laredo.

To consider

On the Northern route it is very common that during the stages that run through Cantabria and Asturias, you have the option of choosing variants that run along coastal paths. For the moment we recommend that to go from Castro Urdiales to Laredo you take the route that you like the most, as this area has good beaches, but also a beautiful rural environment.

Places of interest

  • Hermitage of San Mamés
  • San Julián beach and viewpoint
  • Convent of San Francisco – Laredo
  • Chapel of the Holy Spirit – Laredo
  • Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora de la Bien Aparecida – Laredo
  • La Atalaya Tunnel – Laredo
  • Aila Beach – Laredo

Typical dishes

  • Marmite of bonito
  • Anchovies in oil or salted
  • Meatballs of mackerel
  • Monkfish in green sauce
  • Clams, barnacles and langoustines
  • Sardines
  • Respigos



Pilgrims' hostel in Castro Urdiales

Address: C/ Subida a Campijo, s/n. 39700 Castro Urdiales – Cantabria.

Phone: (+34) 942 871 512

Email: [email protected]

Web: Unavailable

Pilgrims' hostel in Castro Urdiales


Castro Urdiales

Municipio: Castro Urdiales

Provincia: Cantabria

Habitantes: 32.270

Castro Urdiales


Municipio: Laredo

Provincia: Cantabria

Habitantes: 11.023

Northern Way - Laredo