The Vadinian Way
One of the most serious failings of a blog about the Camino de Santiago is not to talk about one of the most important Jacobean routes most curious: the Vadinian way, [...]
One of the most serious failings of a blog about the Camino de Santiago is not to talk about one of the most important Jacobean routes most curious: the Vadinian way, [...]
The The Camino de Santiago is not only characterized, to call it in some way, for the "legend of the apostle Santiago". but through all its long years of history there [...]
The Camino del Ebro is not as popular as the French Way, however, it is a route of great beauty in which we can enjoy the company of the Ebro River during [...]
Hiking enriches both the physical and the cultural life of every traveler and in Spain there are magnificent regions, which seem to have been created by nature just for this purpose. [...]
We have already reached the halfway point of the summer of this exceptional Holy Year of Mercy and we want to compile statistical data of all the pilgrims, to know what [...]
The different Roads of Santiago are more than known by experienced pilgrims, but not everyone is lucky enough to have these all experiences. Which path suits you best? We have the [...]
It is not strange that a city with the extensive history of Santiago and the multitude of people who have walked its streets, is an inexhaustible source of legends, tales and [...]
From the end of March 2015 until the 30th of August this year, the Museo das Peregrinacións e de Santiago gives shelter, with free access, to The exhibition José Guitián. Photographer [...]
The Camino de Santiago is an indefinable sensation. Among our strongest beliefs we say that "The Way is not done, it is lived! A challenge for some, a disconnection for others, [...]
Santiago de Compostela, the small Galician capital, is a tourist destination that few competitors can match in terms of variety, life and tourist quality. From its cultural and natural resources to [...]
If you have reached this post is because you are planning to do the Camino de Santiago, but you have no idea where to start. The world of the Camino de [...]
On the occasion of the sixth anniversary of his death, last Saturday, September 19, the village of Sarria (Lugo) was the scene of the tribute paid to Víctor López Villarabid by the [...]