
Dense and powerful stage in which we will cross a large number of population centers, rural areas and industrial areas from the exit of Sernadelo, so we are possibly in front of the ugliest stage of the entire Camino Portugués, but it is rewarded with the arrival at the beautiful village of Agueda.

We leave Sernadelo on Rua 25 de Abril, along a well marked wooded track that will lead us in the direction of Águeda, until we reach the village of Alpalhão. In Alpalhão we will have as a reference a white chapel to continue in the direction of Aguim. Continuing along an urban-industrial section we will arrive at Arcos. From here until the end of the stage, the constant succession of small villages will be the dominant trend.

Our route continues parallel to the river Cértima, passing through the villages of Avelãs de Caminho, São João da Azenha, Aguada de Baixo, Carqueijo, Brejo and Sardão, to finally reach Águeda.

To consider

From Sernadelo we will find ourselves mostly in industrial and urban areas, so in all the asphalt stretches, and even more in industrial estates, we will have to be extremely careful and always walk in line on the hard shoulder, if there is one, to reach Águeda without mishaps.

Places of interest

Typical dishes

  • Grilled octopus
  • Picanha
  • Carne a pedra
  • Rabbit “á moda de Águeda”.
  • Roasted Leitão and Rojões
  • St. Agatha Cakes



Pilgrims' Hostel Colegio de Nossa Senhora da Assunção de Cluny

Address: Rua São José de Cluny, 23 3780-294 Famalicão (Portugal)

Phone: +351 231 504 167

Email: Unavailable

Web: Unavailable

Pilgrims' hostel at the College of Nossa Senhora da Assunção de Cluny in Famalicão



Municipio: Águeda

Provincia: Centro de Portugal

Habitantes: 49.041

Águeda Camino Portugues


Municipio: Mealhada

Provincia: Centro de Portugal

Habitantes: 20.751

Mealhada Portuguese Way