
Today we recommend leaving early to make the most of the day in Santiago de Compostela, even more so if we leave from Ponte Ulla instead of Outeiro. During the first three kilometres of the stage you will go through lush forests until you reach Lestedo, where you can take a detour to the Pico Sacro, from where you will have a breathtaking view of the area. After reaching A Susana, you will find yourself in the municipality of Santiago. The Way enters the city through the Sar district and after crossing its Roman bridge, you will go up through Castrón Douro to enter the historic centre through the Mazarelos Arch and arrive at the Obradoiro Square.

Last stage of our Camino Sanabrés. We leave Ponte Ulla from the street of the bridge, which leads to a road that we follow to the left and then to the right in search of the national road with the intention of reaching Santiago de Compostela at midday. We ascend momentarily turning off to the left, crossing it again further on. We cross the railway tracks under a tunnel and take a rural path that climbs up to a local road. We follow this road to the left and we arrive at Outeiro.

We leave Outeiro behind us following the signs, which lead us without difficulty along dirt tracks and asphalt until we reach a local road. We arrive at the crossroads of Lestedo, where we find a detour to the bar-restaurant Vía da Prata.

Sacred peak in Ledesma, Ponte ulla a Santiago de Compostela

When we reach the crossroads, we continue to the right and a few metres further on we turn right again to reach the village of Rubial. We take a road on the left and follow it straight ahead.

After crossing the railway tracks, we come out onto a local road which we take on the left. A little before reaching the national road we see a bar where we can stop. We continue our route to Susana, where we find some services.

After a few turns we reach a picnic area. We cross the national road under a tunnel and cross a small stream. We follow a path that goes uphill to the left, turning off a little further up towards the villages of Cañoteira and Marrozos . We cross the train tracks again and start a steep descent. On the way down, we turn right and then left, once again crossing the railway tracks. We arrive at Vixoi, in the municipality of Santiago de Compostela.

We can take advantage and make a short break at the hermitage of Santa Lucía, before continuing towards Piñeiro.

We continue our route and arrive at Angrois. From here we can already see the pharaonic and controversial Cidade da Cultura de Santiago de Compostela. We enter Santiago de Compostela going down Calzada do Sar street, from where we can already see the three towers of the cathedral.

We cross the bridge over the river Sar and see, on the left, the collegiate church of Santa María do Sar. We continue ascending and we finally arrive at the old town of Santiago de Compostela. We pass by the squares of Mazarelos, da Universidade, de Fonseca… we walk along the streets following the signs and enjoying the wonderful monumental area until we finally arrive at the longed-for Plaza del Obradoiro.

To consider

We recommend leaving early to get to the pilgrim’s mass, which is celebrated at 12:00. If you prefer to take it easy and enjoy the last day of your Camino Sanabrés, you can take a detour at Lestedo, 7 kilometres from Ponte Ulla, to climb Pico Sacro ( 490 m), which offers spectacular views of Santiago de Compostela.

Places of interest

  • The cathedral complex of Santiago.
  • San Martín Pinario.
  • Saint Dominic of Bonaval.
  • Santiago Food Market.
  • Hostel of the Catholic Monarchs

Typical dishes

  • Zorza
  • Raxo
  • Lacón with turnip tops
  • Orella
  • Fish and seafood
  • Galician veal meats
  • Denomination of Origin Wines
  • After-dinner liqueurs: coffee liqueur, herbs, white marc, cream…



Pilgrims' hostel of Outeiro

Address: Outeiro, s/n 15880 Vedra, La Coruña

Phone: +34 689 352 875

Email: Unavailable

Web: Unavailable

Hostel Outeiro Vedra Sanabrés Road

Minor Seminary Hostel

Address: Avenida Quiroga Palacios, s/n. 15702 Santiago de Compostela.

Phone: (+34) 881 031 768

Email: [email protected]

Web: Unavailable

Hostel minor seminary Santiago de Compostela


Ponte Ulla

Municipio: Vedra

Provincia: A Coruña

Habitantes: 5007

Sanabres - Ponte Ulla Road