Currently, the Camino de Santiago has become an accessible journey for all types of people, groups, and ages without any limitations. In recent years, the signage has been improved, the trails have been conditioned, and work has been done on preserving the heritage. As for the accommodations and services available on the Jacobean routes, their quantity and quality have improved. In this article, we want to talk about one of them: luggage transportation on the Camino de Santiago.

Transport of luggage and backpacks services of the way of santiago

More and more pilgrims prefer to have their backpacks carried

Many pilgrims still carry their backpacks, but more and more walkers are opting for this service. Whether for health reasons, to prevent injuries, or for convenience, this is currently one of the most in-demand services on the Camino de Santiago.

What is luggage transportation?

Luggage transportation is a service offered to pilgrims that allows them to send their backpacks or suitcases from one point to another. Generally sent from accommodation to accommodation, pilgrims are thus freed from the weight of their burdens during the day’s walk or stage. This service greatly facilitates the pilgrimage, making it accessible and enjoyable for people of all ages and physical conditions.


Luggage transfer is usually done in large vans that stop at all the accommodations along the Camino

Benefits of luggage transportation

Hiring the luggage transportation service has multiple benefits:

  • Comfort: you avoid the weight of the backpack during the stage, allowing you to walk light.
  • Flexibility: you can walk at your own pace, without worrying about the time it will take to reach the next destination.
  • Health: heavy loads can cause fatigue, back injuries, and joint problems; luggage transportation helps prevent these issues and take care of your health.
  • Enjoyment: it allows you to fully enjoy the scenery and experience without distractions or discomfort.

If I don’t carry my backpack, will I get the Compostela?

Yes, you can receive the Compostela without carrying your backpack. The Compostela is awarded for completing the last 100 km on foot or the last 200 km by bike, regardless of how you transport your luggage. The important thing is to reach Santiago de Compostela, meeting the required distances.


Pilgrims with and without luggage transfer on the English Way

Types of luggage transportation services

There are different types of luggage transportation services available on the Camino de Santiago, adapted to the needs of each pilgrim.

Stage-to-stage services

This type of service collects your luggage from your accommodation at the beginning of each day and delivers it to your next destination. It is ideal for those who have a planned itinerary and want to ensure their luggage is waiting for them at each stop.

Point-to-point services

For pilgrims who prefer more flexibility, this service allows sending the luggage to specific points along the Camino. You can collect your luggage at different points as needed, giving you the freedom to modify your route on the go.


The important thing is to enjoy the Camino, and everyone does it their way

How to hire the luggage transportation service on the Camino de Santiago?

Hiring the luggage transportation service is easy, and there are several ways to do it.

Booking process

  • Choose the provider: there are several companies that offer this service, so research and choose the one that best suits your needs. Generally, they have a weight limit of 15 kg per piece.
  • Book online or by phone: most companies allow you to book the service online or by phone. Provide details of your route and the pickup and delivery locations of your luggage.
  • Payment: make the payment as indicated.
  • Confirmation: you will receive a confirmation with details about the schedule and the delivery process of your luggage.

Service cost

The cost of luggage transportation varies depending on the company and the distance. Generally, the price ranges between 4 and 6 euros per stage. Some companies offer discounts for advance bookings or group services.

Payment is generally made through a payment link (bank card), although bank transfer, Bizum, or Paypal are also allowed. Some even allow inserting the payment money for the service in identified envelopes attached to the suitcase or backpack.

Trusting a specialized travel agency on the Camino to manage it

Another option is to hire through a specialized travel agency on the Camino de Santiago, which often includes this service as part of the trip. These agencies can organize your entire trip, including luggage transportation, accommodation, and other services, ensuring a hassle-free experience. This reminds us of something because we are experts in it!


We are experts in organizing your trip, and we will also be your sherpas

How the luggage transportation service works

Once the service is hired and confirmed, you will receive the identification sticker-tag for your luggage transfer, at your home or your first accommodation.

Normally, all accommodations have a designated place where you can leave your bags before the transporters arrive. We always recommend informing yourself at the reception with the person in charge to ensure you leave the suitcase in the correct place.

You must leave the identified luggage to be transported in the indicated place before 8:00 am when the service begins. Once done, you can relax, have breakfast, and start walking.

At the end of the stage, you will find your luggage at the accommodation you indicated, generally at the reception. The service usually delivers the luggage between 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm in the afternoon.

There are practically never any problems with loss or misplacement, and in case of any incident, you will have a customer service phone number.


Walking light will be beneficial on certain stretches of the Camino

Tips for preparing your luggage

Regarding your trip and luggage, avoid overpacking, one of the most common mistakes made by pilgrims. We recommend, therefore, following these tips:

  • Bring the essentials: minimize your luggage to the strictly necessary. Remember that less is more when it comes to what to bring on the Camino de Santiago. Remember, do not exceed 15 kg per piece, or you will have to pay an extra charge.
  • Organize your backpack: use bags and compartments to keep everything in order and easy to find inside your backpack. As for the exterior, generally, things attached or poorly secured are not allowed, to avoid loss and misplacement.
  • Check the weather: inform yourself about the weather during your trip to know what to bring, pack properly, and waterproof your backpack if necessary in case of rain.
  • Always check that the suitcase or backpack is in good condition before the trip. The agency, carriers, and accommodations will not be responsible for the loss of objects or damage to luggage resulting from its poor condition.

How many suitcases can I take in the luggage transportation?

As we mentioned earlier, all our trips include the luggage transportation service. Only one suitcase per person is included, but if you want to move more luggage, you can add as many additional suitcases as you need.


If you need us to carry more than one piece, you can hire extra pieces

The most important thing: do not forget to label your backpack

It is very important to clearly label your backpack with your name, contact phone number, and the destination address of each stage. This will help the carriers identify and deliver your luggage correctly, although they have their own service list.

Hiring a luggage transportation service can transform your experience on the Camino de Santiago, making it more pleasant and accessible. If you want to enjoy the journey without worries, this option is perfect for you. So, what are you waiting for? Get ready to experience the Camino de Santiago in the most comfortable way possible. Buen Camino!