
This is a flat stage, except for the small climb between urbanizations once we leave the Miño river behind. The stage runs mostly along the provincial road of Lugo, and although there is no heavy traffic, we recommend caution until you reach Ferreira.

We say goodbye to Lugo in front of the Cathedral and leave the walled city through the gate of Santiago, to go down Santiago street and after 400 metres we turn right onto Calzada da Ponte, which takes us in the direction of Ferreira.

We continue along the Ronda del Carmen and pass under the N-VI road that takes us to the Roman bridge over the river Miño, called Ponte Vella. We cross the bridge and turn off to the right along Vella da Ponte and Fermín Rivera streets, enjoying the views of the river. We arrive at the fountain of the chapel of San Lázaro, where an old leper hospital was located.

At the height of the church of San Lázaro we take the detour to the left, through some streets going uphill, moving away from the river and definitively saying goodbye to the city.

A little further on, we cross a tunnel on the N-540, go through a housing estate and cross another road, this time the LU-232. We take the local LU-2901 road, which we follow until we reach Seoane, a town with no services.

We continue along the same local road LU-2901, passing through different villages until we reach San Vicente do Burgo. Here you will find a bar 100 metres from the Camino and you can take advantage of the stop to visit its 18th century baroque church.

The LU-P-2901 is still a faithful companion. Although luckily we will find a couple of detours to the right, on tracks and paths, which break the monotony of the asphalt. A couple of kilometres before arriving we pass a crossroads that leads to the Crecente Inn, 100 metres from the Camino.

We continue along the road until we reach the church of San Romao da Retorta, in the municipality of Guntín, and we continue along a rural road dotted with hamlets and parishes without services, with quite a lot of asphalt. We finally arrive at Ferreira, where we will find a small Roman bridge with a single arch and some toilets.

To be taken into account:

If you want to sleep in a public hostel, we have to shorten the stage by 8 km from Ferreiros to end up in San Román da Retorta, or lengthen it by 5.6 km to the village of As Seixas and halfway through the stage, 2.5 km off the Way, you will find one of the most unique monuments in Lugo, the Church of Santa Eulalia de Bóveda (3rd – 4th century), declared an Asset of Cultural Interest. It can be visited from Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00 to 15:00.

There is the possibility of linking the Primitive Way with the North Way (Lugo – Friol – Sobrado dos Monxes), lengthening a little more our arrival to Santiago de Compostela.

Places of interest

  • Church of San Lázaro da Ponte
  • Church of San Vicente do Burgo
  • Church of Santa Eulalia de Bóveda (2.5 km detour from the Camino)
  • Church of San Romao da Retorta

Typical dishes:

  • Octopus á feira
  • Galician broth
  • Stew
  • Mougan peppers
  • Beef steak
  • Raxo
  • Zorza
  • Lacón with turnip tops
  • Artisan bread



Pilgrims' Hospice of Lugo

Address: C/ Rúa das Noreas, 1 27001 Lugo.

Phone: (+34) 618 425 578

Email: Unavailable

Web: Unavailable

hostel xunta de galicia lugo

Pilgrims' Hostel of As Seixas

Address: C/ As Seixas, s/n 27205 As Seixas-Merlán (Concello de Palas de Rei – Lugo).

Phone: (+34) 609 669 057

Email: Unavailable

Web: Unavailable

Pilgrims' Hospice of the Xunta de Galicia in As Seixas

San Román da Retorta Hostel

Address: Barrio de O Castrelo 27233 San Román da Retorta (Lugo).

Phone: (+34) 676 610 721

Email: Unavailable

Web: Unavailable



Municipio: Palas de Rei

Provincia: Lugo

Habitantes: < 50

Ferreira Lugo Primitive Way


Municipio: Lugo

Provincia: Lugo

Habitantes: 98.519

Lugo Primitive Way