In this map, you’ll find all the info you need for your journey to Finisterre and Muxía. Follow the route of about 120 km (or 87 km if you’re going only to Finisterre) to reach the end of the world via the Camino to Finisterre and Muxía. It’s a great plan, especially if you’ve already reached Santiago through other routes, but only if you still have the energy for it.


How do I understand this map showing the Camino to Finisterre and Muxía

In the map you can see the 5 stages that make up the Way to Finisterre and Muxía.. A journey to “the ends of the Earth”, the westernmost point of continental Europe, in which you will travel through part of the province of A Coruña, in Galicia.

On your way you will find 18 localities with all kinds of services, this means that you can find a bar or shop every 5 kms (a little less, even).

Muxía beach


Please note! Shortage of services

There are two sections of the Way to Finisterre and Muxía where it will be more complicated to find services. but don’t worry, the distances are very short (less than 15 kms as you can see on the map) so you won’t have any problem. These short distances are the ones that go from Oliveiroa to Cee (from Hospital) and from Finisterre to Muxía (from Lires).


But… where do I start the Camino?

The peculiarity of this Way is that, as you can see on the map, it is the only Camino de Santiago that starts from the Plaza do Obradoiro itself. instead of ending there, continuing to Finisterre or Muxía. Therefore, on this occasion the question is, where do I finish my Camino? If you don’t have enough time or strength because you have already arrived on your pilgrimage to Santiago, our proposal is that you continue on to Finisterre and finish the journey at the end of the world, as tradition dictates.

Moreover, if you have arrived on foot and you don’t have many days or you prefer a change, you can take a look at our proposal to continue to Finisterre by bike in just two days. However, if what you want is to enjoy this trip to the coast, you can continue on to Muxía adding only one more stage. In addition, this is one of the routes suitable for furries. You will live an exciting trip that you will remember forever.

Ponte Maceira

The Road to Finisterre it is one of the oldest Caminosso we recommend that you let yourself be carried away by that strange millenary attraction that has led so many pilgrims to continue their Way to the end of the world.The small village of Finisterre has been on the map for centuries.
