The Peliqueiros are the protagonists of the Carnival of Laza, a small galician village in the province of Ourense. This festival, deeply rooted in this province and throughout Galicia, is called Entroido in Galician, and one of its typical characters is the Peliqueiro of Laza. But what is the origin of these characters? What do they symbolize? Discover everything about the Peliqueiros with us and seize the opportunity to meet them in person if you decide to walk the Camino de Santiago during Carnival.

The true origins of the Peliqueiros

The origin of Carnival and Entroido in Galicia is not well-documented, with theories linking it to Celtic and Roman festivities. Celebrated in the four Galician provinces, the Carnival of Ourense is the most famous, and its characters take center stage. If in Verín there are the Cigarróns, and in Xinzo de Limia there are the Pantallas, in Laza the Peliqueiros stand out.

Entroido (Carnaval típico gallego)

The peliqueiros running at the Entroido in Laza.

The name of the character comes from the Latin term “pellica, which means “skin.” This would be the cat skin that covers the back of the mask, which today is synthetic. As for the origin of the peliqueiro, a medieval theory associates it with tax collection. In the 15th century, the vassals of the area rebelled against the lord, the Count of Monterrei, and refused to pay their tributes. To subdue them, he created a terrifying mask with which he walked to intimidate and make them pay.

This collecting intention is more linked to the cigarrón of Verín, another masked character in the Entroido of Galicia. As the saying goes: “cigarrón lapón, metes os cartos no bolsón“; that is, “greedy cigarrón, you put the money in the pocket”. The resemblance between Cigarrón and Peliqueiro is notable, with few differences in their attire. Given the geographical proximity, their origins would be closely linked.

In any case, the peliqueiro represents authority with the elements of his costume. With the mitre over the mask, he represents religious power, and with his jacket or whip used for intimidation, he represents civil power.

The peliqueiros of Laza.

A peliqueiro menacingly looks at those not wearing a costume in the Entroido of Laza.

Reasons to enjoy Carnival in Ourense

The Carnival of Ourense, with its Peliqueiros as protagonists in Laza, offers a unique experience beyond the visual. In addition to characters like the Peliqueiros, the streets of towns throughout the province fill with color, processions, and celebrations.

Wars of farrapos (cloths soaked in mud), flour, and biting ants are some of the “dangers” of Entroido in Ourense. Of course, it is advisable to go disguised to avoid the wrath of the Peliqueiros.

And as any festival in Galicia, it is not complete without the prominence of gastronomy. Pork is the centerpiece of all tables, and in any good Entroido, a good Galician cocido (stew) cannot be missing, along with sweets, wines, and liqueurs.

Cocido (stew) in galician Carnival.

A good cocido (stew) should not be missing in a Galician Carnival.

Take the plunge and do your Camino de Santiago in winter

If you are planning to walk the Camino de Santiago in winter, the carnival season is a great option. Although it may seem like a less common choice, this season offers the opportunity to discover the Galician Entroido through the Jacobean routes. Among them, the Sanabrian Way, passing through Laza, allows you the chance to discover and enjoy the Carnival of Ourense and Galicia. Just remember to go dressed up and with a lot of enthusiasm to enjoy!