The stage between O Barco de Valdeorras and A Rúa de Valdeorras is very short and serves to shorten the route to Quiroga. This way we will have a more manageable distribution by stages.
We start the route between O Barco de Valdeorras and A Rúa de Valdeorras walking through beautiful landscapes of vineyards. We will pass through places like Arcos and the central nucleus of Vilamartín de Valdeorras, where we will be able to visit cellars located in the old caves originated by the search for gold.
From this point we will continue towards A Rúa, place of the supposed oldest settlement in Valdeorras, the Forum Cigurorum, home of the Cigurros or Egurros. These ancient settlers were located in the current province of Ourense and had a way of life based on the mining activity of the region. As it happens with other Astures peoples, they used to live in forts, among which the already mentioned Forum Cigurorum is worth mentioning.
To consider
The most interesting monument of the stage is a bit far from the road: it is the beautiful bridge of A Cigarrosa, of Roman origin. It has four pointed arches and one semicircular arch, and we can visit it by taking a 1.4 km walk from the centre of A Rúa, always following Progreso street.
Places of interest
- The Roman bridge A Cigarrosa – A Rúa de Valdeorras
- Church of San Esteban of A Rúa – A Rúa de Valdeorras
- Big House of Fontei – A Rúa de Valdeorras
Typical dishes
- Botillo
- Empanada de Castrelos
- Cakes of roxóns
- Lacón with turnip tops
- Kid
- Wines D.O. Valdeorras
Xagoaza Hostel
Address: Barrio Pacios, 2, 32317 O Barco, Ourense
Phone: +34 639 92 16 79
Email: Unavailable
Web: Unavailable