
The Pilgrims’ Hostel of Betanzos is a restored public hostel located in the old Casa da Pescadería, in the town of Betanzos, located in the old town of A Coruña. This hostel on the English Way is exclusively for pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago.

  • Address: Rúa Pescadería, 4, 15300 Betanzos, A Coruña
  • Telephone numbers: (+34) 616 944 470 / (+34) 618 331 787
  • Ownership of the hostel: Xunta de Galicia.
  • Opening hours: from 13:00 to 22:00
  • Possibility to exit or not when it closes: No.
  • Opening: Open all year round.

This information may vary from year to year. We recommend to inquire with the accommodation


Services and equipment

  • Laundry
  • Washing machine and dryer (for a fee)
  • Clothesline
  • Heating
  • First Aid Kit
  • Kitchen (with microwave and without fridge)
  • Dining room
  • Reading room
  • Closed place for bicycles
  • No internet


  • Price: 8€.
  • Total places: 35.
  • Reservations are not allowed.
  • A pilgrim’s credential is required.