What are the hardest stages of the Northern Way?

The hardest stages of the Northern Way are:

  • Irun – San Sebastian: Initial stage with constant ups and downs, especially on Mount Jaizkibel.
  • Deba – Markina-Xemein: Mountainous terrain with narrow paths and the tough ascent of Mount Arno.
  • Gernika – Lezama: Significant gradients and unpredictable weather in the Basque Country.
  • Llanes – Ribadesella: Long coastal stage with rugged terrain and frequent changes in altitude.
  • Ribadeo – Lourenzá: Entry into Galicia with demanding climbs, especially to O Fiouco mountain.
  • Vega de Sariego – Gijón: Section with significant gradients and demanding climbs towards Gijón.
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